How To Hang Curtains Like A Pro
I have created the visuals above so that you can see why the term “high and wide" is so crucial when hanging your curtains.
These windows are the SAME size. I wanted to show you how much bigger the window looks when the curtains are hung right.
The left example, the "DON'T" version, the curtain rod is hung right above the window and extends only to width of the window. By having the rod extending only the width of the window, the curtains end up covering part of the window, making the room look smaller. Having the rod hung low on the wall makes the window look smaller and it makes the ceiling height appear lower.
On the right example, The "DO" version has the rod is hung several inches above the window and is extended far beyond the window frame. This makes the window look larger and the ceiling height appear taller. This also makes the room feel bigger. I tell my clients to hang their curtains 7” OR MORE above the window frame, and 7”-13" out of each side of the window frame.
If your window frame is close to your ceiling, I advise you to hang the curtain rod right below the ceiling and extend the rod 7-13” on each side of the window frame. This will make the room feel big and better!
I promise!