Modern Entry Way Design

If you see something you like, scroll down and each item will be linked directly to the product page where you can purchase. I use affiliate links on my blog, which allows me to make a small percentage off of anything that you buy. It is no extra cost to you, but it helps support me when you use my links to purchase.

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Simplicity is key!

I want you to be able to take my design examples and implement them into YOUR home! This entry way design is only FIVE items and it looks stunning.

My goal is to make you see that you can duplicate this stuff that I post. I want to help others feel like they too can make pretty spaces on their own! Don’t get discouraged friend, get ENCOURAGED! You can do this! Turning your house into a home is the fun part, enjoy the ride!


Rug Size Guide For Your Living Room


Tips For Hanging Wall Decor Correctly